Our baby in my wife's womb is 46 days old . He or she is about the size of a pea and growing fast each day that passes. I've been reading up on books about pregnancy. The most popular of which is the book "What To Expect When You're Expecting". Interesting read that book is.
I must say perspectives do change. I was never a fan of reading these types of books and left it at that. I preferred reading the funny pages, Bob Ong's books, and (I daresay) Men's magazines with "artistic" pictures. I guess a man's sudden interest in these literature is brought about by necessity and excitement as well.
Hearing my wife make sounds as if she's preparing to hurl (vomit), burp, or fart (due to first trimester symptoms) makes me more interested in an amused kind of way. Imagine that, a being the size of a small goldfish and rapidly increasing in size is growing in my wife's tummy...and we were responsible for making it happen...with the farting, burping, and pseudo-hurling and all.
The book and all its 500+ pages say there's more to expect. I'll read some more. This is interesting.