I realized I'm a little bit edgy and irritable these past 3 months. Good thing the pregnancy books we bought and the web pages I browsed explained to me the complexities of the Couvade Syndrome I've been experiencing. The increased appetite, sluggishness, irritability and lack of patience are the dominant feelings I've been experiencing lately. My brother sarcastically says I've found a convenient excuse to raid the refrigerator and binge on the leftovers. Well, he may be oversimplifying it but then again he is not entirely wrong...and it irritates me to accept that.
Anyway, back to talking about irritability. Watching television is perhaps the best way to de-stress and relax. Incidentally, Philippine local television has done the opposite. I have been succesful at avoiding hearing the sound of the voice of Boy Abunda, or worse see him on TV. Sundays have been stress free if and when I am away from the TV in the afternoon. Now, they gave him more airtime. We all now get to see Boy Abunda (and his sensitivity) on TV every F#%@*ing weeknight! Let's see...we get to see him weeknights...and then we see him on weekends, too. Hey, we see the bloke everyday! What is the world coming to? Is this country running out of talents? I sure hope not.

My wife is laughing her head off listening to me talk about this. This Couvade syndrome can be sarcastic indeed. Inhale. Exhale. Owmmmm....Forget it! I'm raiding the ref! You want anything?
The Angel and the Boy. The Beauty and the...ummm... Sensitive guy.
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