Whoa! WTF!?... Holy... S#+t!... Oh my God!... What on earth?!... What in the world?!... Put*ng in@!... Haaayooop!
Those were the colorful reactions and exchanges my Facebook friends made upon seeing the HOLOGRAM of CNN on cable news. Don't ask why I keep such eloquent friends.
Anyway, the force was strong at CNN (Cable News Network) today:
NEW YORK — It's election night, and CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer is in New York talking to an Obama campaign strategist in Chicago.
But instead of the split screen or window TV viewers might typically see during live remote interviews, the Obama spokesperson will be projected as a three-dimensional hologram, making it appear as if he or she is in the Manhattan studio with Blitzer. The network plans to conduct similar holographic interviews with representatives from the McCain campaign in Phoenix.
HOLOGRAM. The first time I saw this was in 1977 when the movie Star Wars was shown. The detained Princess Leia was beamed to the unsuspecting Luke Skywalker via R2D2's projector gadget. Remember that? Now the technology is no longer stuff of Sci-Fi movies. It's already here.
Soon our OFW (overseas Filipino workers) heroes can be reached not just by 3G phone or net cam, they can be contacted via hologram. I bet pinoy relatives hope that hologram has several view settings to make them look slimmer or bulkier...in the right places of course.

Excuse me, the force is strong and I have to ask my wife if we can we play the Star Wars role-play game tonight. I'll be Hans Solo...
"The force is strong with you." We play a similar game except that I'm Jabba the Hut and she's my captive, Princess Leia! Hahahah!
Have you seen the interviews? Those holograms are insane!! It's all over youtube. I cant wait until this hologram technology replaces the webcam and cell phone cam. Can you imagine?!
Cole's gonna have some awesome gadgets by the time he's in high school. Next thing you know, he's gonna wanna borrow the keys to my full sized repulsor lift Imperial Speeder Bike (forest scene - Return of the Jedi)! However... being the concerned father that I am... I would insist that he take the Imperial AT-AT Walker (all terrain armored transport) instead since they're much safer!
Take care uncle!
Oh P.S..... come check out the status on my facebook page when you get a chance k? I've got good news!!
Where the hell is R2D2!?! OMG! This Hologram thing was available a long time ago 1979 to be exact. After almost 30 years they finally got R2D2's technology. Hehe
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