In my previous post, I wrote about Sesame Street's influence on my childhood. I guess if I keep looking further back, I'm bound to rediscover something.
Well, I did rediscover something. At the risk of sounding stupid and stating the friggin obvious, Sesame Street influenced my adolescent life stage, too.
What am I getting at? Let me explain. I downloaded this video clip a couple of years ago. The first time I watched it, I was mesmerized like a Golden Retriever puppy to his first bouncing tennis ball. Something clicked. My inner child (or whatever psychoanalysts prefer to call it) held hands with my inner adolescent dude (or whatever title sounds "in") and hung out like they were long lost siblings. Elmo, who as far as I can remember was not yet "born" in the 70s, sat with jazz/blues siren Norah Jones while she played piano.
How did I feel when I was watching it for the first time? Honestly, both sappy and turned on. That was the second time I felt excessively sentimental and testosteronal at the same time. Elmo was cute, Norah's face and voice was sooo sexy. Hence, my Inner Child meets my Inner Adolescent bloke. Sesame Street writers are evil geniuses!
If you must know, the first time I felt that way was during my first Karaoke group date with my then future wife. I was a tickled Elmo that night... but that is an entirely different sappy story.
I also grew up with Sesame Street. Elmo rules! Norah too. I hope to be "tickled Elmo" soon. Don't know Y? But she will come.
Have a great one Hopia.
Norah Jones is indeed a sexy one. But you know who else tickles my Elmo? Alicia Keys. Yessir. She's got the pipes AND the looks. She can also act! I think she's waaaay sexier than that Beyonce Knowles!
Oh btw... you should hear my wife's spot on rendition of this song.
Hey DJ! Post it on YouTube. I know, like you, Jeremy CAN sing.
Alicia Keys...you're spot on. She is hot. Though Beyonce has her own voluptuous appeal that I won't complain about.
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