Friday, October 24, 2008

Karen and lolo. Remember this?

We call it "nag-uulyanin" in Filipino... since olden times we've heard of and witnessed older people losing their sense of direction and memory, both long and short-term. It's somehow conveniently dismissed as an expected degeneration of the brain due to advanced age or stresses in the past. I think this McDo commercial did justice to our older folks who have the degenerative brain disease. This commercial has a lot of heart and teaches good values to our kids regardless of socio-economic class and culture. I might have made fun of people with Alzheimer. As i ridiculously claimed in my profile, there is no scientific proof that hopia and coffee can prevent Alzheimer disease. I apologize to readers who have family members with Alzheimer who might have been offended. The same is true about hopia and coffee in relation to the prevention of erectile dysfunction. I'm not sure if I can also post a video about it here. Hmmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This commercial mad me miss my lolo so much..... And While watching it, i cried!! it touch my heart...