Almost all women can do these ranges of motion inside malls. They can walk in and around crowded malls (i.e. Divisoria, 168 Mall, Tutuban Mall, etc.) with relative ease and lose track of time. They'll memorize stall numbers, location of boutiques, specialty shops, shoe stores, yet forget where the car was parked.
In grocery stores, items for men (shavers, after shave lotion, breath mints, batteries for the remote, dental floss, hopia, choc-nut, chips, FHM etc.) are all near the counter. Stuff for ladies can be placed even in the lowest and farthest of shelves and still be located effortlessly with memorized aisle number. Shopping for ladies shoes and clothes is another story. It deserves a new blog... or volumes of blogs.
My wife will read this after I press 'Publish Post'. I know she will just let out her usual high-pitched belly laugh while her shoulders bounce and her eyes twinkle as if agreeing to this amusing truth. I anticipate she will pinch me in the rib and exclaim: "Uy sobra ka, hindi naman!"
Her amused laughter will give away her guilt. She will read this beside me, as she always does when she reads my newly posted blogs. My loving spouse wants me beside her every time she reads them. She wants me close by so she has instant access if she needs to pinch me in the earlobe, slap my arm, or pull my hair (sa patilya) if I make fun of her in the post.
After that she'll forward my blog to all of her friends.
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