After 4 weeks of enjoying:
- Big meals motivated by bigger appetites.
- food cravings and/or aversions.
- Midnight/dawn snacks.
- Unannounced pinching and biting frenzies (my wife has been feeling gigil at me. So she bites and pinches me for no apparent reason).
- Sleepy episodes with dizzy spells.
- Long siestas.
- Farting/burping tournaments.
- and a 6-day delay of her menstrual period...

... my wife and I finally decided to buy a pregnancy test kit. The instructions suggested to take the test in the morning as the amount of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine is high and that will help indicate if its positive or negative. We bought the test at 11 PM after a hearty snack (we still have the munchies). I asked my wife if she could take it now as I was obviously anxious. She said no.
I didn't get a blink of sleep. She slept like a baby even if she slept a long siesta. Finally she awoke at 5 AM as she felt a strong urge to urinate. I jump to my feet and reached for the pregnancy test kit. She laughed at my excitement. After 3 minutes, she opened the bathroom door smiling from ear to ear with eyes glistening. Then she gave me a tight hug.
I felt as if my heart went tachycardic and almost imploded. My soul seemed as if it pirouetted like Baryshnikov. I'm going to be a
tatay soon! I said a silent "thank you, Lord" prayer... and a silent good luck for yours truly.
This is the best Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
1 comment:
Congratulations to you and your wife, Sir Gaston! :) I'm so glad I found you on Facebook, and that you have a blog! :) I hope all is well - certainly sounds like it!
-Jo Anne V.
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